European rating agency. Objective, transparent, independent.
European rating agency. Objective, transparent, independent.

Preferred Senior Unsecured

Banca Nazionale del Lavoro S.p.A.

Rating History

Rating Watch Outlook Decision Date Action Validity Date Maximum Validity
A 11.07.2024 18.07.2024 14.01.2025
A 27.10.2023 02.11.2023
A 06.12.2022 12.12.2022
A- 02.11.2021 16.11.2021
A- Watch UNW 05.07.2021 06.07.2021
A- 26.11.2020 22.12.2020
A- Watch NEW 24.03.2020 28.03.2020
A- 18.11.2019 25.11.2019
A- Watch UNW 18.06.2019 21.06.2019
A- 25.09.2018 24.10.2018


  • 18.07.2024
    Creditreform Rating (CRA) affirms Banca Nazionale del Lavoro's Long-Term Issuer Rating at A. The rating outlook is stable.
    CRA affirms Banca Nazionale del Lavoro's Preferred Senior Unsecured Debt at A, Non-Preferred Senior Unsecured Debt at A-, Tier 2 Capital at BBB- and AT1 Capital at BB+.
    The ratings of Banca Nazionale del Lavoro S.p.A. are equalized with those of the parent BNP Paribas S.A.
  • 02.11.2023
    Creditreform Rating (CRA) affirms the Long-Term Issuer Rating of Banca Nazionale del Lavoro SpA at A. The rating outlook is stable.
    This reflects BNP Paribas' (Group) Long-Term Issuer Rating, in line with our methodology. CRA also affirms Banca Nazionale del Lavoro SpA's Preferred Senior Unsecured Debt at A, Non-Preferred Senior Unsecured Debt at A-, Tier 2 Capital at BBB- and AT1 Capital at BB+.
  • 12.12.2022
    Creditreform Rating has raised the Long-Term Issuer Rating of Banca Nazionale del Lavoro SpA from 'A-' to 'A'. The outlook is 'stable'. The rating of 'Additional Tier 1' capital is raised from 'BB' to 'BB+'. The rating of 'Tier 2' capital is raised from 'BB+' to 'BBB-'. The rating of 'Non-Preferred Senior Unsecured' is raised from 'BBB+' to 'A-'. The rating of 'Preferred-Senior Unsecured' debt is raised from 'A-' to 'A'. For further information, please refer to our Rating Update on our website.
  • 16.11.2021
    Creditreform Rating has revised its outlook on the Banca Nazionale del Lavoro S.p.A. to positive from stable and affirmed the rating of Banca Nazionale del Lavoro S.p.A. at A-. Creditreform Rating has also affirmed the rating of BB of Additional Tier 1, the rating of BB+ of Tier 2 and the rating of A- of the Preferred Senior Unsecured. The rating of Non-Preferred Senior Unsecured Debt was confirmed at BBB+. For more details regarding the rating, we refer to our rating report on our homepage.
  • 06.07.2021
    Creditreform Rating AG has revised its rating methodology for the rating of banks (Bank Ratings). Henceforth, only the revised version of the rating methodology ("Version 3.0") will be applied with the end of the consultation process. In addition, Creditreform Rating AG introduced the new sub-methodology „Institutional Protection Scheme Banks“. Hence, all current ratings of bank capital and unsecured bank instruments will be reviewed as part of our current monitoring and receive therefore the rating supplement "watch". Our revised rating methodologies can be found at
  • 22.12.2020
    Creditreform Rating has revised its outlook on the Banca Nazionale del Lavoro S.P.A. (Group) to stable from watch negative and affirmed the rating of Banca Nazionale del Lavoro S.P.A. (Group) at A-. Creditreform Rating has also affirmed the rating of BB of Additional Tier 1, the rating of BB+ of Tier 2 and the rating of A- of the Preferred Senior Unsecured. The rating of Non-Preferred Senior Unsecured Debt was confirmed at BBB+. For more details regarding the rating, we refer to our rating report on our homepage.
  • 28.03.2020
    Creditreform Rating has set the rating of all valid bank ratings and bank issues to watch negative due to the currently not assessable impact of the Corona Crisis. Not affected by this rating action are government related banks. We refer to the free available Monitoring Report for a more detailed explanation.
  • 25.11.2019
    Creditreform Rating has affirmed the rating of Banca Nazionale del Lavoro S.p.A. at A-. The outlook is stable. In addition, Creditreform Rating has affirmed the rating of Additional Tier 1 Capital at BB and the rating of Tier 2 Capital at BB+. The rating of Preferred Senior Unsecured Debt (after reclassification from Senior Unsecured Debt) has affirmed at A-. Moreover, the rating of Non-Preferred Senior Unsecured Debt was set to BBB+.
  • 21.06.2019
    Creditreform Rating AG has revised its rating methodology for the rating of "Bank Capital and Unsecured Debt Instruments". Henceforth, only the revised version of the rating methodology ("Version 2.0") will be applied. Moreover, all current ratings of bank capital and unsecured bank instruments will be reviewed as part of our current monitoring and receive therefore the rating supplement "watch". Our revised rating methodology can be found at
  • 24.10.2018
    Creditreform Rating has set the rating of Banca Nazionale del Lavoro S.p.A. to A-, with stable outlook. Creditreform Rating has also determined the ratings of the debt classes as follows. The rating of Additional Tier 1 was set to BB, the rating of Tier 2 to BB+ and the rating of the Senior Unsecured to A-.

ISIN Liste

ISIN Action Validity Date Maximum Validity
IT0005312118 03.12.2018 30.11.2020
IT0005218851 03.12.2018 02.12.2019
IT0005162810 03.12.2018 28.02.2019
IT0005069650 03.12.2018 06.01.2020
IT0004992688 03.12.2018 28.02.2019
IT0003966626 03.12.2018 14.01.2025
IT0001353850 03.12.2018 01.07.2019
IT0005247264 03.12.2018 29.04.2020
IT0005210510 03.12.2018 04.09.2020
IT0005159154 03.12.2018 29.01.2019
IT0005045254 03.12.2018 30.09.2019
IT0004085186 03.12.2018 14.01.2025
IT0005318628 03.12.2018 01.02.2021
IT0003645782 03.12.2018 18.03.2019
IT0005213027 03.12.2018 01.10.2020
IT0005160905 03.12.2018 29.01.2019
IT0005057614 03.12.2018 31.10.2019
IT0004099930 03.12.2018 14.01.2025
IT0003895445 03.12.2018 14.01.2025
IT0005328676 03.12.2018 30.04.2021
IT0005240574 03.12.2018 02.03.2020
IT0005202863 03.12.2018 31.07.2020
IT0005152498 03.12.2018 03.01.2019
IT0005010654 03.12.2018 02.05.2019
IT0004049224 03.12.2018 14.01.2025
IT0003889141 03.12.2018 14.01.2025
IT0005325466 03.12.2018 30.03.2021
IT0005237125 03.12.2018 03.02.2020
IT0005204067 03.12.2018 30.07.2019
IT0005154494 03.12.2018 06.01.2021
IT0005041865 03.12.2018 29.08.2019
IT0004059264 03.12.2018 14.01.2025
IT0003653612 03.12.2018 01.04.2019
IT0005322828 03.12.2018 03.03.2021
IT0005221020 03.12.2018 06.01.2020
IT0005170425 03.12.2018 31.03.2020
IT0005075152 03.12.2018 30.01.2020
IT0004998917 03.12.2018 23.02.2024
IT0004013881 03.12.2018 14.01.2025
IT0005244220 03.12.2018 31.03.2020
IT0001333852 03.12.2018 29.04.2019
IT0005188567 03.12.2018 03.07.2020
IT0005086019 03.12.2018 27.02.2020
IT0005001638 03.12.2018 25.03.2019
IT0004026420 03.12.2018 14.01.2025
IT0003634323 03.12.2018 28.02.2019
IT0005316176 03.12.2018 06.01.2021
IT0005216178 03.12.2018 31.10.2019
IT0005161739 03.12.2018 28.02.2019
IT0005066680 03.12.2018 28.11.2019
IT0004985310 03.12.2018 31.01.2019
IT0003941629 03.12.2018 14.01.2025
IT0003626162 03.12.2018 11.02.2019