European rating agency. Objective, transparent, independent.
European rating agency. Objective, transparent, independent.

Republic of Ireland

Rating History

Rating Watch Outlook Decision Date Action Validity Date Maximum Validity
AA Outlook POS 16.09.2024 20.09.2024 06.12.2024
AA- Outlook POS 19.09.2023 22.09.2023
A+ Outlook POS 04.10.2022 07.10.2022
A+ Outlook STA 13.10.2021 15.10.2021
A+ Outlook STA 21.10.2020 23.10.2020
A+ Outlook STA 05.11.2019 08.11.2019
A+ Outlook STA 24.10.2018 26.10.2018
A Outlook POS 21.11.2017 24.11.2017
A Outlook STA 22.11.2016 25.11.2016


  • 20.09.2024
    Creditreform Rating has raised its unsolicited long-term sovereign rating on the Republic of Ireland to "AA" from "AA-". Creditreform Rating has also raised Ireland's unsolicited ratings for foreign and local currency senior unsecured long-term debt to "AA" from "AA-". The outlook remains positive.
  • 22.09.2023
    Creditreform Rating has raised its unsolicited long-term sovereign rating on the Republic of Ireland to "AA-" from "A+". Creditreform Rating has also raised Ireland's unsolicited ratings for foreign and local currency senior unsecured long-term debt to "AA-" from "A+". The outlook remains positive.
  • 07.10.2022
    Creditreform Rating has revised its outlook on the Republic of Ireland to positive from stable and affirmed the unsolicited long-term sovereign rating of "A+". Creditreform Rating has also affirmed Ireland's unsolicited ratings for foreign and local currency senior unsecured long-term debt of "A+".
  • 15.10.2021
    Creditreform Rating has affirmed the unsolicited long-term sovereign rating of “A+” for the Republic of Ireland. Creditreform Rating has also affirmed Ireland´s unsolicited ratings for foreign and local currency senior unsecured long-term debt of “A+”. The outlook is stable.
  • 23.10.2020
    Creditreform Rating has affirmed the unsolicited long-term sovereign rating of “A+” for the Republic of Ireland. Creditreform Rating has also affirmed Ireland´s unsolicited ratings for foreign and local currency senior unsecured long-term debt of “A+”. The outlook is stable.
  • 08.11.2019
    Creditreform Rating has affirmed the unsolicited long-term sovereign rating of “A+” for the Republic of Ireland. Creditreform Rating has also affirmed Ireland´s unsolicited ratings for foreign and local currency senior unsecured long-term debt of “A+”. The outlook is stable.
  • 26.10.2018
    Creditreform Rating has raised its unsolicited long-term sovereign rating on the Republic of Ireland to “A+” from “A“. Creditreform Rating has also raised Ireland´s unsolicited ratings for foreign and local currency senior unsecured long-term debt to “A+” from “A“. The outlook is revised to “stable”.
  • 24.11.2017
    Creditreform Rating has revised its outlook on the Republic of Ireland to positive from stable and affirmed the unsolicited long-term sovereign rating of "A". Creditreform Rating has also affirmed Ireland´s unsolicited ratings for foreign and local currency senior unsecured long-term debt of "A".