European rating agency. Objective, transparent, independent.
European rating agency. Objective, transparent, independent.

Mortgage Covered Bonds

Slovenská sporitelna, a.s.

Rating History

Rating Watch Outlook Decision Date Action Validity Date Maximum Validity
AAA Outlook STA 04.04.2024 10.04.2024 14.01.2025
AAA Outlook STA 17.03.2023 23.03.2023
AAA Outlook STA 25.02.2022 09.03.2022


  • 10.04.2024
    Creditreform Rating affirmed the AAA rating for the mortgage covered bonds program of Slovenská sporitelna, a.s.. The rating outlook has been set at stable.

    Further details regarding the regulatory requirements according to ESMA (European Securities and Markets Authority) Guidelines 33-9-320 can be found in the document attached below.
  • 23.03.2023
    Creditreform Rating aaffirmed the AAA rating of the mortgage covered bonds program of Slovenská sporitelna, a.s.. The rating outlook has been set at stable.

    Further details regarding the regulatory requirements according to ESMA (European Securities and Markets Authority) Guidelines 33-9-320 can be found in the document attached below.
  • 09.03.2022
    Creditreform Rating assigned a AAA rating to the mortgage covered bonds program of Slovenská sporitelna, a.s.. The rating outlook has been set at stable.

    Further details regarding the regulatory requirements according to ESMA (European Securities and Markets Authority) Guidelines 33-9-320 can be found in the document attached below.

ISIN Liste

ISIN Action Validity Date Maximum Validity
SK4000023636 25.10.2023 14.01.2025
SK4000022398 02.02.2023 14.01.2025
SK4000021820 11.10.2022 14.01.2025
SK4000021119 14.06.2022 14.01.2025
SK4000020673 15.04.2022 14.01.2025
SK4000015400 09.03.2022 14.01.2025
SK4000017190 09.03.2022 14.01.2025
SK4120005505 09.03.2022 14.01.2025
SK4120008947 09.03.2022 14.01.2025
SK4120009218 09.03.2022 14.01.2025
SK4120009804 09.03.2022 14.01.2025
SK4120010950 09.03.2022 14.01.2025
SK4120010968 09.03.2022 05.08.2022
SK4120011586 09.03.2022 14.01.2025
SK4120012683 09.03.2022 14.01.2025
SK4120013020 09.03.2022 27.06.2022
SK4120013392 09.03.2022 10.10.2022
SK4120014507 09.03.2022 14.01.2025
SK4120014812 09.03.2022 06.11.2024